Thursday, June 2, 2016

How to Navigate This Blog (How posts are categorized):

Hello! If you're reading this, you've probably read my first post introducing this blog and its concept.

This post is here to explain more about the categorization of my posts through Blogger's labeling system.

This should help anyone who is interested in my project to find posts they would more enjoy reading than just mindlessly sorting through more personally boring material once this blog has been around a while. It could also be used to find an older post for resharing or rereading.


The main categorization label for this blog is a category I've decided to name a "specific." 

This is an exhaustive list, but I may add categories in the future. Below are the categories with explanations.

"Champion Specific"

Posts about one or more specific League of Legends champion(s). This (These) champion(s) may be compared to others in the post briefly, but it is still primarily written about the chosen champion(s).

"Game Design Specific"

Posts about specific concepts relating to the game's design and development. 

"Gameplay Specific"

Posts containing specific information about the game proper and the strategies involved. This category will include discussions of the "meta (Most effective tactics available),"

"Lore Specific"

Posts which draw upon the official Lore of League of Legends to make their point. Posts analyzing champion quotes will count as Lore Specific.

"Morality Specific"

For specifically moral discussions regarding sin, vice and virtue.

"Theology Specific"

For when specific theological doctrines are discussed. 

"Scripture/Tradition Specific"

For when Scriptural themes, books, authors, figures, etc. have a special place in the post. Includes obviously the tradition of the Church, Christian life, Church History, Hagiography, etc.

"Examples," "Concepts," etc.

The second and final category of my labeling system is for examples, concepts, and the like within the "Specific" categories.

They can be as vague or concrete as needed, but vagaries will generally be accompanied by more concrete concepts.

Conclusion, with Example Post

That's about it! I think it's a reasonably simple method, and this post probably isn't even entirely necessary for readers to figure out the directions they'll want to go when they discover this blog down the road. This is mostly for my benefit so I understand the method in my madness, and thus I will also include an example of a categorized post.

Let's say the post is entitled: "Garen and Samson"

The post is about how the champion, Garen, is similar to the biblical Judge, Samson. I talk about the virtue of patriotism and how Garen's loyalty to Demacia, its people and its king is similar to Samson's loyalty to Israel and her people unto his ultimate death. I compare Garen's strongly implied flings with the Noxian assassin Katarina to Samson's temptation at the hands of the Philistine Delilah, and say that loyalty to God and Country should always be prioritized over romantic and sexual temptations. The End.

The Post is "Champion Specific, Garen, Katarina" because the post is specifically about Garen, and Katarina is used and makes an important moral point about Garen's human weaknesses. The post is "Scripture/Tradition Specific, Samson, Delilah, Judges" because alongside moral and theological considerations, the biblical person of Samson is being compared with the champion Garen, and Katarina and Delilah are compared as their respective femme fatales. The period and book of the Judges is important too, so it is added. The post is "Morality Specific, patriotism, chastity, lust, prioritization" there are many more moral concepts that could be added but these are at my discretion. No strictly theological doctrine or dogma is considered, so "Theological Specific" is left out, as is everything else.

Categorization remains completely at my discretion. If you think something should be categorized that I have not categorized, feel free to let me know and I will take it into consideration. 

Thank you!